Astrology Calendar

Astrology predictions based on transits and astrology calendar

Venus Trine Uranus; Neptune Sextiles Pluto - Double Jackpot

Published by Kristina M. on
Venus trine Uranus and Neptune Sextile Pluto, August 2024 - Double Jackpot
Venus Trine Uranus & Neptune Sextile Pluto: A Cosmic Dance of Love, Innovation, and TransformationVenus, the planet of love, beauty, and harmony, joins forces with Uranus, the rebel planet of change and innovation, creating a dynamic trine that sparks excitement in our relationships ... Read More

September 2024: Astrology Predictions

Published by Kristina M. on
September 2024 astrology predictions
Knock, knock! Is it real that it's already September? Autumn fans will probably be happy, but for a summer child like me, it's not so...Okay, I admit, August was turbulent, but everything is much easier if the sun shines on you. Since August is closing soon, let's check the September 2024 ... Read More

Aquarius Full Moon - August 19th, 2024

Published by Kristina M. on
Astro Alert - Aquarius Full Moon with multiple T-squares
Aquarius Full Moon, August 19th, 2024The Aquarius Full Moon on August 19th is challenging. Not only is Aquarius a sign that is not easy to accommodate, but on top of that, Uranus is squaring the Sun and the Moon, making a T-square. But hey, if you thought that was co... Read More
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