Astrology Calendar

Astrology predictions based on transits and astrology calendar

Mercury Squares Uranus: Expect the Unexpected

Published by Kristina M. on
Mercury squares Uranus, Expect the Unexpected
From September 6th to 7th, 2024, Mercury in Leo (27°) squares Uranus in Taurus (27°), bringing sudden and unexpected developments in communication, technology, and personal interactions.At the same time, from September 7th to 8th, 2024, the Sun in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces (re... Read More

New Moon in Virgo: Strategic Realignment

Published by Kristina M. on
New Moon in Virgo - Astrology predictions for all zodiac signs
On September 2nd, 2024, we have the New Moon in Virgo—a celestial event that asks us to turn inward, recalibrate, and prepare for the unexpected. Virgo, the meticulous and practical sign ruled by Mercury, invites us to fine-tune the detail... Read More

Uranus Retrograde: One More Unexpected Turn of Direction!

Published by Kristina M. on
Uranus Retrograde
Mercury is out of retrograde mode! We can finally feel the relief! Oh no, who's that stationing retrograde? 😟 Uranus, is that you? Yes, yes - Uranus retrograde: expect the unexpected.Jokes aside, it’s perfectly normal for planets to go retrograde, es... Read More

Mars Square Neptune: Foggy Actions

Published by Kristina M. on
Mars square Neptune - Astro prediction
Today, we're going to talk about Mars square Neptune aspect. Why? Because it's going to happen in a few days, from September 2nd to 4th, 2024... Read More

Mercury Direct: Clarity and Moving Forward!

Published by Kristina M. on
Mercury Direct in Leo
And we finally survived another Mercury retrograde! 🎉 Yeah, yeah, it’s nothing special—Mercury goes retrograde three to four times a year—but you have to admit, it has a way of messing with your life. Nothing catastrophic, just enough to be annoying. This time a... Read More
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