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Uranus Retrograde: One More Unexpected Turn of Direction!

Uranus Retrograde

Mercury is out of retrograde mode! We can finally feel the relief! Oh no, who's that stationing retrograde? 😟 Uranus, is that you? Yes, yes - Uranus retrograde: expect the unexpected.

Jokes aside, it’s perfectly normal for planets to go retrograde, especially the outer ones like Uranus, Saturn, Pluto, and Neptune. Every planet, except the Sun and Moon, goes retrograde at some point during the year. And now, besides Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto, Uranus is joining the club.

Uranus Retrograde: How Often and What Does It Mean?

Uranus turns retrograde roughly once a year, and this retrograde period typically lasts about five months. When Uranus is retrograde, it’s time to rethink how we approach change and innovation. Uranus governs all things unconventional, rebellious, and futuristic, so when it appears to move backward in the sky, we’re given a chance to review how we embrace or resist change.

This retrograde phase often brings surprises or disruptions, especially in areas where we may have been too rigid or stuck in our ways. It's a cosmic invitation to reflect on our freedom and the structures that may be limiting us.

Uranus in Taurus Retrograde

Uranus has been in Taurus since 2018, shaking up the foundations of our material world—money, resources, and values. We’re asked to revisit our relationship with these themes with Uranus retrograding in Taurus: How do we handle money and possessions? Are our values truly aligned with our actions?

During this retrograde, you might question the stability of your finances or your attachment to material possessions. It’s a time to explore alternative ways of managing your resources and to innovate in areas where you’ve felt stuck.

Uranus Retrograde in Taurus: Global Impact on the World

Uranus entered Taurus in 2018, and since then, we’ve witnessed significant shifts in the global landscape, especially concerning finance, agriculture, and technology. Uranus, the planet of innovation and disruption, brings unexpected changes wherever it goes. In Taurus, a sign that rules over money, resources, and the earth itself, these changes have been particularly impactful.

Past Uranus Retrograde Periods in Taurus (Since 2018)

  • August 7, 2018 – January 6, 2019: This period marked the beginning of economic shifts and the emergence of new technologies in the financial sector. Cryptocurrencies and fintech innovations started to gain more traction, challenging traditional financial systems.
  • August 11, 2019 – January 10, 2020: During this retrograde, we saw increased focus on environmental issues and sustainability, with movements pushing for more responsible consumption and production. This period also foreshadowed the financial volatility that would emerge in 2020.
  • August 15, 2020 – January 14, 2021: The global economy faced unprecedented challenges due to the pandemic, and this retrograde period highlighted the need for more resilient and adaptable financial systems. There was also a surge in digital transformations as businesses adapted to a rapidly changing world.
  • August 20, 2021 – January 18, 2022: Supply chain disruptions and inflation concerns became prominent, with a renewed focus on resource management and the sustainability of global supply chains. The financial markets experienced heightened volatility, reflecting the ongoing uncertainty.
  • August 24, 2022 – January 22, 2023: This retrograde emphasized the growing divide between traditional and digital economies. Cryptocurrency and decentralized finance (DeFi) continued to challenge the status quo, while concerns over wealth inequality and access to resources became more pronounced.
  • August 28, 2023 – January 27, 2024: The world saw further shifts in economic power dynamics, with emerging technologies and digital currencies pushing the boundaries of the existing financial systems. This period also brought attention to the need for greater financial inclusion and the restructuring of economic systems.

What to Expect in the 2024 Retrograde

From September 2, 2024, to January 31, 2025, Uranus retrograde in Taurus will continue to shake up the global landscape. We can expect to see further disruptions in financial markets, with potential volatility in both traditional and digital currencies. This period might also bring about significant developments in sustainable technologies, particularly those related to agriculture and resource management.

Economically, this retrograde could highlight the ongoing challenges of inflation and resource scarcity and the need for innovative solutions to address these issues. As the inequalities highlighted by previous retrograde periods become more apparent, there may also be a growing push toward a more equitable distribution of wealth and resources.

In the tech world, expect continued advancements in areas like artificial intelligence, blockchain, and green technologies. However, these innovations may face resistance from established systems, leading to a clash between the old and the new.

The Last Retrograde in Taurus Before Moving to Gemini

This retrograde marks the last time Uranus will be fully retrograde in Taurus. Next year, Uranus will begin its retrograde in Gemini at 1 degree but will dip back into Taurus from September 6, 2025, to February 4, 2026, to finish its work in the sign of Taurus. This transition period will likely bring a final review of the themes we've seen during Uranus's journey through Taurus—focusing on how we handle resources, finances, and the material world. It’s a closing chapter, asking us to solidify the changes we’ve embraced and prepare for the new lessons that Uranus in Gemini will bring.

Overall, Uranus's retrograde in Taurus emphasizes the need for flexibility and adaptability in the face of global challenges. It’s a time to rethink our approach to money, resources, and the environment, with an eye toward creating a more sustainable and equitable future.

This retrograde is not just a time of disruption but also an opportunity for growth and positive change on a global scale. The key is to embrace the unexpected and be open to new ways of thinking and doing things.

Uranus Retrograde in Houses (1st to 12th)

  • 1st House: Expect shifts in how you present yourself. You may be rethinking your identity and how others perceive you, especially in relation to your core values, finances, and material wealth.
  • 2nd House: Financial surprises could lead you to reevaluate not only your income but also your deeper values surrounding money and possessions.
  • 3rd House: Communication and learning might take on a more practical tone. You could find yourself reassessing how your ideas align with your personal values and material goals.
  • 4th House: Family dynamics and home life may require attention, particularly in matters related to property, security, and financial stability.
  • 5th House: Creative projects and romantic relationships might be influenced by your values and how you view material success. There may be a focus on how these aspects align with your financial goals.
  • 6th House: Your daily routine and health might be in flux, prompting you to rethink your work habits and how they contribute to your overall sense of security and financial well-being.
  • 7th House: Partnerships could face unexpected challenges, leading you to reflect on the balance between shared values and material assets in your relationships.
  • 8th House: Issues related to shared resources, debts, or deep emotional bonds may arise, with a particular emphasis on the financial or material aspects of these areas.
  • 9th House: You might be questioning your beliefs or educational pursuits, especially in how they support your values and long-term financial or material goals.
  • 10th House: Career shifts could occur, pushing you to reconsider your professional path in light of your core values and the material security it provides.
  • 11th House: Friendships and social networks might undergo changes, leading you to reevaluate these connections based on shared values and financial interests.
  • 12th House: Hidden aspects of your psyche could surface, especially related to subconscious patterns around security, material comfort, and values.

Uranus Ruler of the House Retrograde (1st to 12th)

  • Ruler of the 1st House: This retrograde could prompt a significant shift in self-perception, core values, financial perspectives, and identity.
  • Ruler of the 2nd House: Financial stability and personal values might be reevaluated with a strong focus on how you manage material resources.
  • Ruler of the 3rd House: Communication and learning habits could be disrupted, leading to new perspectives on how these align with your values and financial goals.
  • Ruler of the 4th House: Family and home life might experience unexpected changes, particularly in matters related to property and financial security.
  • Ruler of the 5th House: Creative projects and romantic endeavors may need to be rethought, especially in how they connect to your values and material aspirations.
  • Ruler of the 6th House: Your work environment or health routines could require adjustments, with a focus on how they impact your financial and material stability.
  • Ruler of the 7th House: Partnerships and relationships might be under review, with attention to how shared values and material assets are managed.
  • Ruler of the 8th House: Intimacy and shared resources might undergo transformation, particularly in their financial or material aspects.
  • Ruler of the 9th House: Your belief system, education, or travel plans might be reconsidered, especially in how they contribute to your long-term financial or material goals.
  • Ruler of the 10th House: Your career and public image could undergo significant changes, especially regarding your values and the material security they provide.
  • Ruler of the 11th House: Friendships and goals might be realigned to match your evolving values and financial interests.
  • Ruler of the 12th House: Unconscious patterns and spiritual practices might be up for revision, particularly in how they relate to your sense of material security and values.

These revisions should help emphasize the influence of Uranus retrograde in Taurus, adding depth to the analysis based on core values, finances, and material wealth.

Uranus in Taurus Retrograde, All Signs

  • Aries: During this retrograde, you may feel the tension between your social circles and financial security. You might question whether your current associations align with your values and how they contribute to your material well-being. This period could push you to rethink your goals and how you manage your resources to achieve them.

  • Taurus: This retrograde will likely change your public image and personal identity. You may need to align your career ambitions with who you truly are at your core. Expect some shifts in how you present yourself to the world as you reassess your professional goals and how they reflect your personal values.

  • Gemini: You might experience a period of introspection where your beliefs and subconscious patterns come into question. This retrograde could lead you to explore how your hidden fears or spiritual practices align with your broader worldview. It’s a time to reconcile your inner world with your quest for knowledge and understanding.

  • Cancer: This retrograde could bring up issues related to shared resources and your social networks. You may need to reassess how your deep emotional connections or financial ties with others influence your friendships and long-term goals. It’s a time to consider how your intimate relationships impact your place within a community or group.

  • Leo: Expect some shifts in your partnerships and public standing. This retrograde could push you to reevaluate your relationships in light of your career goals. You might need to find a balance between your personal connections and professional ambitions, ensuring that both support your values and long-term success.

  • Virgo: This retrograde will likely bring changes in your daily routine and broader beliefs. You may find yourself questioning whether your work habits and health practices align with your philosophical or educational pursuits. It’s a time to reassess how your day-to-day life supports your broader goals and aspirations.

  • Libra: You might experience shifts in your creative projects and intimate relationships. This retrograde could lead you to explore how your personal expressions of joy and creativity impact your deep emotional bonds or financial ties with others. It’s a time to rethink how you share your passions and resources.

  • Scorpio: This retrograde could bring changes in your home life and partnerships. You may need to reassess how your family dynamics or living situation influence your closest relationships. It’s a time to consider whether your domestic environment supports the balance and harmony you seek in your personal connections.

  • Sagittarius: Expect some shifts in communication and daily work routines. This retrograde might prompt you to rethink how your interactions with others align with your work habits and health practices. It’s a time to consider how your day-to-day communications support or hinder your overall well-being.

  • Capricorn: You may feel tension between your financial security and creative pursuits. This retrograde could push you to reassess how your material resources support your expressions of joy and personal fulfillment. It’s a time to consider whether your financial stability allows you to fully embrace your passions and creativity.

  • Aquarius: This retrograde will likely change your self-identity and home life. You may question how your values and sense of self align with your family dynamics or living situation. It’s a time to reassess how your domestic environment reflects who you are at your core.

  • Pisces: You might experience subconscious patterns and communication shifts. This retrograde could lead you to explore how your hidden fears or spiritual practices influence your daily interactions and thought processes. It’s a time to reconcile your inner world with your external communications and connections.

Note: Always read your rising sign. The predictions are based on the whole sign system, Western astrology, so they might not 100% align with you. If you need a personalized reading, feel free to book a session and find out what this Uranus retrograde has on your plate. 


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