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Full Moon in Aries: Turbulences on the Horizon!

Full Moon in Aries 2024

Yeap, that's this fiery Full Moon in Aries - tourbulances on the horizon. I saw this Full Moon as much more challenging than the eclipse two weeks ago in Libra. Why? Because there are some tensions during this full Moon, and there is no escape room... 

So, on October 17th, 2024, we have an Aries Full Moon, and despite the fact that the north node is still in Aries, this one is not an eclipse. Why? It's on the other end of the zodiac sign and practically too distant to be an eclipse. 

But it doesn't have less drama... Let's see what's cooking!

Aries Full Moon - The Grand Square

Now, let me explain my pessimism related to this full Moon. Yes there are some nice and beneficial aspects, but we have a grand square involving Sun and Moon.

Okay, let's start from the beginning...

The Sun is on 24 degrees of Libra, and the Moon is on 24 degrees of Aries. And whenever the Moon opposes the Sun, we have full moons. 

And it would be just a regular, emotionally charged full moon if we didn't have Mars at 22 degrees of Cancer and Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn. Together, they create a grand square. 

What does it mean? 

A grand square is one of the most tense astrological configurations, involving four planets in a challenging dynamic where each planet squares or opposes another. In this particular full Moon, we have the Sun and Moon opposing each other, Mars squaring both, and Pluto adding intensity from its critical degree in Capricorn. The energy is forceful, potentially tumultuous, and calls for breakthroughs. A grand square pulls us in multiple directions, creating a sense of being pushed, pulled, and challenged all at once.

With Mars in Cancer, emotions are running high. Mars, the planet of action and assertion, finds itself in the sensitive waters of Cancer, often making our impulses guided by emotional defensiveness. There's a desire to protect and to hold our ground, but sometimes at the cost of being overly reactive or withdrawing into our shells. This energy clashing with the Moon in Aries, which wants to assert independence and act on instinct, adds fuel to the emotional fire.

Meanwhile, Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn is in the anaretic degree—the final degree of a sign, where its energy feels most potent and pressured. Pluto represents transformation, power struggles, and the need for release. Its influence in this grand square brings themes of control, deep change, and the breaking down of outdated structures. There's a strong urge to let go of what no longer serves us, but this letting go may not be gentle; it may feel more like a forced purge.

This Aries full moon could feel like a tug-of-war between our need to assert ourselves (Aries Moon), maintain harmony in our relationships (Libra Sun), respond emotionally to challenges (Mars in Cancer), and deal with the power dynamics at play (Pluto in Capricorn). This energy is all about finding a balance between taking action and releasing control, about knowing when to assert ourselves and when to allow for transformation. The grand square demands adaptability—a willingness to face challenges head-on while maintaining inner equilibrium.

The best way to navigate this full Moon is to recognize where tension is building in your life. It's an invitation to confront what's not working and find a new way forward. You may feel like you're at a crossroads or facing multiple conflicts, but these conflicts are opportunities for real change and growth. It's about finding a way to break free from limiting patterns while also respecting the need for structure in some areas of your life.

The Rainbow After the Storm

Now, it's not all do-or-die; we do have some support from Jupiter, which is trining the Sun and sextiling the Moon from 21 degrees of Gemini. This harmonious energy brings optimism, a sense of expansion, and the ability to see the bigger picture even amidst the challenges.

We also have Neptune at 27 degrees of Pisces and Uranus at 26 degrees of Taurus, contributing some great aspects. Neptune is sextiling Pluto and Uranus while trining Venus at 29 degrees of Scorpio and Mars in Cancer. These influences suggest that our intuition (Neptune) and willingness to break free from old habits (Uranus) can help us transform (Pluto) and bring healing to our relationships (Venus). Mars in Cancer adds a drive to nurture and protect what matters most.

On the other hand, Uranus is also sextiling Neptune and Mars, trining Pluto, but opposing Venus. The opposition to Venus indicates potential disruptions in relationships or unexpected shifts in our values, urging us to adapt and innovate rather than hold on too tightly to outdated dynamics.

Mercury, at 5 degrees of Scorpio, is squaring Pluto, which could lead to intense and transformative conversations or mental challenges. Venus, besides the opposition with Uranus, is also sextiling Pluto and trining Neptune, suggesting that despite any tensions, there are opportunities for deep connection, transformation, and compassion.

Overall, it's a strange mix of supportive aspects and challenging circumstances. While there are lucky influences at play, we might still experience emotional discomfort, likely because real growth often requires facing uncomfortable truths and embracing change.

Who's Left Out?

And one more interesting thing—Saturn is missing out on the fun. During this Full Moon, Saturn, at 13 degrees of Pisces and in retrograde, is not forming any significant aspects with other planets. 

This isolation suggests that the usual themes of discipline, responsibility, and boundaries (represented by Saturn) may take a back seat during this time. Instead, we're encouraged to focus more on emotional release and transformation without the typical restraint that Saturn brings.

It could feel like a moment of freedom but also a lack of grounding, which might explain why emotions could feel a bit uncontained.

All 12 Signs Predictions: What Can You Expect?

Now, depending on your rising sign, this Aries full moon will play out differently. 

These predictions are based on the whole sign system, western astrology and may or may not completely resonate with you. If you want to find out how this will affect your chart, please book an astrology reading with me.

Aries: The Full Moon is in your 1st house, putting the spotlight on your sense of self, identity, and personal needs. You may be completing a cycle related to your appearance or the way you present yourself to the world. The grand square involving Pluto (ruler of your 8th house in the 10th) and Mars (ruler of your 1st house in the 4th) suggests a need to resolve conflicts between career and family. You may be breaking down patterns of behavior that no longer serve your family or career and shifting your perspective in these areas.

Taurus: The Full Moon is in your 12th house, emphasizing closure, healing, and the subconscious. This is a time for deep introspection and letting go of hidden fears. Pluto (ruler of your 7th house in the 9th) and Mars (ruler of your 12th in the 3rd) challenge you to release limiting beliefs and find a balance between your private thoughts and public responsibilities. You may need to address deep-seated fears or patterns that hinder your communication or prevent you from expanding your horizons.

Gemini: The Full Moon is in your 11th house, highlighting your social networks, friendships, and long-term goals. It's time to evaluate the people you surround yourself with and whether they align with your aspirations. Pluto (ruler of your 6th house transiting the 8th) and Mars (ruler of your 11th in the 2nd) indicate a conflict between your values and shared resources. You may need to reassess financial investments in group endeavors or decide whether your friendships are supportive of your personal growth.

Cancer: The Full Moon is in your 10th house, shining a light on your career, reputation, and public image. It's a time of culmination or change in your professional life. Pluto (ruler of your 5th house transiting the 7th) and Mars (ruler of your 10th in the 1st) challenge you to transform relationships that affect your career and assert your authority. You may feel the need to break free from controlling dynamics in partnerships that impact your professional goals.

Leo: The Full Moon is in your 9th house, focusing on travel, education, and belief systems. You might find yourself completing a learning journey or having a breakthrough in your perspective. Pluto (ruler of your 4th house transiting the 6th) and Mars (ruler of your 9th in the 12th) suggest an inner conflict involving your home life, emotional foundations, and daily routines. It's a time to let go of limiting habits and open yourself to new experiences and philosophies.

Virgo: The Full Moon is in your 8th house, bringing attention to shared resources, intimacy, and transformation. You could be dealing with financial matters like loans or inheritances, or facing deeper emotional transformations. Pluto (ruler of your 3rd house transiting the 5th) and Mars (ruler of your 8th in the 11th) indicate a tension between your communication style and creative passions. You might need to release old fears around intimacy or find a new balance between expressing yourself and responsibilities to others.

Libra: The Full Moon is in your 7th house, illuminating your partnerships and one-on-one relationships. You may be reaching a turning point or resolution in a significant relationship. Pluto (ruler of your 2nd house transiting the 4th) and Mars (ruler of your 7th in the 10th) suggest that issues around financial security and family dynamics could impact your relationship. This is a time to address power struggles and assert your needs without compromising your authenticity.

Scorpio: The Full Moon is in your 6th house, focusing on work, health, and daily routines. You may be closing out a work project or making changes to improve your well-being. Pluto (ruler of your 1st house transiting the 3rd) and Mars (ruler of your 6th in the 9th) challenge you to transform your daily environment and rethink your beliefs about health and productivity. You might need to let go of old mental patterns that limit your growth and seek a healthier balance.

Sagittarius: The Full Moon is in your 5th house, highlighting creativity, romance, and personal expression. You might feel a need to complete a creative project or make decisions regarding romantic relationships. Pluto (ruler of your 12th house transiting the 2nd) and Mars (ruler of your 5th in the 8th) bring up issues involving hidden fears and your self-worth. It's time to transform how you express yourself and reevaluate the dynamics of give-and-take in romantic or creative ventures.

Capricorn: The Full Moon is in your 4th house, emphasizing home, family, and your emotional foundations. It's time to address issues related to your living situation or family dynamics. Pluto (ruler of your 11th house transiting the 1st) and Mars (ruler of your 4th in the 7th) indicate a need to balance personal power and relationship dynamics. You may feel the urge to transform your approach to family matters and find a way to assert your independence while fostering harmony.

Aquarius: The Full Moon is in your 3rd house, focusing on communication, siblings, and your immediate environment. It's a good time to wrap up projects involving communication or to have important conversations. Pluto (ruler of your 10th house transiting the 12th) and Mars (ruler of your 3rd in the 6th) suggest challenges between your career ambitions and your daily interactions. You might need to address hidden fears or unconscious patterns that keep you from communicating openly or achieving your professional goals.

Pisces: The Full Moon is in your 2nd house, highlighting finances, personal values, and self-worth. You may be completing a financial goal or reevaluating what you value. Pluto (ruler of your 9th house transiting the 11th) and Mars (ruler of your 2nd in the 5th) indicate a need to transform your beliefs about your sense of community and how it affects your creative pursuits. This is a time to break free from limiting self-perceptions and align your values with your passions.

How Can We Manage This Aries Full Moon Energy?

The Aries Full Moon and its grand square can feel overwhelming, but there are actionable steps you can take to navigate this intense energy:

  1. Identify Areas of Tension: Take some time to reflect on where you feel the most stress or resistance in your life. Is it in your relationships, career, family, or inner beliefs? Write down these areas so you can create a strategy for addressing them.
  2. Embrace Emotional Release: With Mars in Cancer, emotions may be running high. Consider practices like journaling, meditation, or breathwork to release pent-up emotions. Allow yourself to feel and process rather than suppressing your feelings.
  3. Break Down Limiting Patterns: Pluto’s influence encourages transformation. Identify old habits or beliefs that are no longer serving you, especially those related to power dynamics or control. Commit to changing one small habit at a time to shift these patterns.
  4. Communicate Clearly: Mercury in Scorpio squaring Pluto might bring intense conversations. Make sure to communicate with honesty and compassion, especially when addressing sensitive topics. It’s a good time to clear the air but do so with mindfulness.
  5. Set Healthy Boundaries: Saturn may not be aspecting other planets, but that doesn’t mean boundaries aren’t important. Use this time to establish boundaries that allow you to focus on emotional healing and self-care.
  6. Balance Action with Reflection: The Aries energy wants action, while Pluto and Mars bring an emotional, transformative depth. Balance these by taking thoughtful action—don’t just rush ahead. Reflect on your motivations before making decisions.
  7. Focus on Self-Care: The grand square can be draining. Take extra care of your physical and emotional health. Get enough rest, eat nourishing food, and make time for activities that bring you joy and help you feel grounded.
  8. Lean into Supportive Aspects: Jupiter’s trine and Neptune’s sextile are supportive influences. Embrace optimism, expand your perspective, and trust your intuition. When challenges arise, try to see the bigger picture and remember that these moments are opportunities for growth.
  9. Adapt and Innovate: With Uranus in the mix, adaptability is key. Be open to changing plans and finding new solutions to old problems. Don’t resist unexpected changes—instead, see them as a chance to innovate.
  10. Practice Gratitude: Amidst the intensity, practicing gratitude can help keep you centered. Write down three things you’re grateful for each day to maintain a positive perspective and help you stay balanced during this challenging time.

Taking these steps can help you navigate the transformative and intense energy of this Aries Full Moon, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and change.

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