The Aquarius Full Moon on August 19th is challenging. Not only is Aquarius a sign that is not easy to accommodate, but on top of that, Uranus is squaring the Sun and the Moon, making a T-square.
But hey, if you thought that was concerning, check Venus opposing Saturn and squaring Jupiter and Mars in Gemini, which had their own dance a few days back.
So, yes, the situation around this Full Moon is tense. The only conclusion you need to draw from it is surrender.
Surrender to whatever this Full Moon throws at you. Don't fight back, because you're going to make things even worse than they could be. Remember, surrender is your guide through these challenging times.
You probably know it - Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, and Scorpio. Yeap, again, these four signs.
Aquarius will probably have an identity crisis (again), Leo will have partnership issues (again), Taurus will struggle with their career and social status (again), and Scorpio will have family issues (again).
Life hasn't been easy for these fixed signs for the past years, and somehow, it won't stop torturing them (as a rising Leo, I know it's been tough). But look at it from the bright side. The Universe will not put more burden on your shoulders than you can bear.
If you are not Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, or Scorpio rising, you probably think, "Hip hip hurray, I pulled this off without any struggle," but no one can escape the Aquarius Full Moon.
Okay, let's preview how this Aquarius Full Moon will affect all of the zodiac signs. Remember: Always read for your rising sign because these predictions are based on the zodiac houses (whole sign system). These predictions may or may not hit the target since the Placidus system (in my experience) is a better match, and I always use it in personal (one-on-one) readings.
Hello, Aries, you have the luck to stay a bit off the radar this time, even though Chiron and North Node are transiting your first house. This Full Moon is happening in your 11th house, meaning it might bring some change within your friend group or your salary. Something unexpected might happen that will, in a way, impact your financial status. (Perhaps a friend will ask for a loan, or you might have hopped for a raise but got zilch - that kind of turbulence).
Taurus, oh, Taurus... You're in the spotlight again. (As if the last year and a half was not enough). But you know what? This time, the disrupter might be you. Well, it's high time to say NO, enough... for others might seem out of the blue, but you know you've put up a lot. So, the changes might be around your career and social status. You might have gained from this full moon if Venus had not been so compromised (She's between the rock and the hard place). But now, it may seem like a Pyrrhic victory. Stay strong, no regrets. Change yourself, and the good change will come.
Oh, Gemini, look, you might be one of the lucky ones regarding this Aquarius Full Moon. You might go abroad, travel, or finish your studies. Aquarius is an air sign, and this Full Moon is creating a trine with your Ascendant. So enjoy. The change might come suddenly, but who can adapt better than Gemini? (Oh, yes, your Mercury is still retrograde, but you got used to that :D )
Moon is the ruling planet of Cancers, and of course, you're gonna feel it, but this time, it won't affect you the way it usually does. It will be all about other people and other people's money. You will probably get approval around this Full Moon if you want a loan or are waiting for a client. Yes, there might be some hiccups, but the challenges of this full moon seem like they're not your problem but other people's. (I know, weird!)
Ah, Leo, what can I say? Your partnership life is getting more intense with each astrological movement. And now, on top of all, we have the Aquarius Full Moon in your partnership house (as if Pluto entering there was not enough). And let's not forget Uranus crossing over your 10th house - career and social status. Yeap, you also felt that for the past 5 to 6 years. Now, this Full Moon is challenging because it's asking you to release your ego, and we all know that it's the most challenging thing to ask from a Leo (I know, first-hand experience). And if you do that, you might even gain something from this full moon. If the situation was unclear regarding your partnership (whether business or emotional), it might get suddenly upgraded. So, cross your fingers that this is what it brings. Of course, you won't escape drama (though it might be your partner's, not yours).
If only Saturn in Pisces hadn't cast spells on you, everything would have been great, wouldn't it? This Aquarius Full Moon will be related to your health, working environment, diet, or even your daily routine or job. You might end a boring job or get a new offer unexpectedly from abroad. Or you might quit your job to continue your studies (or just go on a long trip). Generally, you can feel relief when it comes to this Full Moon. Nothing to worry about.
Well, Libra, Venus is crucified, and though this Aquarius Full Moon is in an air sign, you might feel a bit incomplete (though the situation regarding your love relationship, hobby, children, or anything else that makes you happy is completed somehow.) If you wanted to get pregnant and you gave up, you might get a pleasant surprise now.
Hey Scorpio, how are you doing? More changes? More stress? Now, this Full Moon will be a revelation regarding your home and family. Something will end there very suddenly. Perhaps your point of view will change, or your partner will challenge everything you brought from your family roots and beliefs. Tough time for Scorpios because you don't like change at all. Stay calm, that's all I can tell you. This will pass, just like any other astrological aspect. Don't react; there's nothing to be fixed - it will play out how it's supposed to be.
Lucky Sagg :) This full Moon is not your enemy. It might bring some closer to some issues when it comes to your siblings, or a sudden change of jobs, daily routine, or the way you communicate with others. You might even buy a new car around this Full Moon. Anyway, you're among the lucky ones (though you might not feel it completely since Jupiter had a square with Saturn just a few days back), but you'll come to that point within the next 15 days.
How are your finances doing? The Aquarius Full Moon might bring unexpected expenses (I know it hurts!). And this might be caused by your children, or you might spend more than you predicted on going out with your friends, celebrating something, having fun, or buying stuff for your hobby. Anyway, don't stress too much. It's how it's supposed to be. (Just don't gamble within the next 15 days cause you might lose big time.)
Another identity crisis? Jesus! It is as if Pluto entering your sign is not enough. Well, what can I say? It is what it is, and you have to accept it. So, the challenge comes from your family circle or something you learned as a child, which is not aligned with this full moon. You will need to dig deep into your emotions and step out of your comfort zone (again). Leave your anxiety at the door and introduce the new you to the world.
Last but not least, Pisces has this Full Moon in their 12th house, challenged by how they communicate. Perhaps your subconscious will be challenged by someone from your surroundings, like siblings or neighbors, and you will have to step out of your inner world. Perhaps you'll need to change the way you communicate, or you might need to go to a trip (a long one - far, far, away).
Finally, let's see what we can do to get the best out of this Aquarius Full Moon happening on August 19th, 2024. Aquarius is a free-spirited sign, so whatever happens, just accept it, don't fight, argue, or try to fix anything - it is how it is supposed to be. The less resistance you provide, the easier this Full Moon will be for you.